
Dear Bob. Excellent. Thanks. Walter

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It should also be noted that there is an egregious double standard being applied in this case. Alex Jones has been at the forefront of exposing the World Economic Forum and all its nefarious plots, and because of that he was one of the first to be purged from social media and maliciously smeared by the traditional broadcast media as being a "conspiracy theorist" etc. If willfully false injury of reputation were an authentic tort, why shouldn't Alex be able to sue them for a gazillion dollars?

A made-up subjective injury like "slander" and "libel" can't help but be transformed into highly selective partisan weapons in the current climate. We'll just have to get used to the fake justice to go along with the fake elections, fake free speech, fake news, fake public health, and fake money we are inundated with.

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I agree with Walter on all of this except I agree with Alex Jones on Sandy Hook being fabricated. I have not seen one shred of evidence it really happened but watched the coverage live and there was plenty of evidence it was fraud.

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As a supporter of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (thefire.org; formerly titled the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education). I strongly agree with Professor Block and commend his speaking out on this topic. Freedom from being offended is not, and never should be, a right, legal Constitutional, or otherwise. I have observed that statements like Alex Jones made concerning Sandy Hook reflect badly on the speaker and diminish his credibility.

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