
Dear Dan: Well said. Thanks, Walter

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Dear Gail. Brilliant. Thanks. Walter

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Perhaps Mr. Rechtenwald should ingest another handful of mega THC infused gummies and make his case before the “Waaay High” International Criminal Court. Given his success at the Libertarian Convention, what could possibly go wrong?

Better still, head to Gaza and sign on with Hamas. Give him five minutes before he begs for the IDF to rescue him and fifteen minutes before he meets with his Maker.

The ignorance is staggering. But worse, the refusal to educate themselves. To visit the region, speak with people who live with this threat daily, who been victimized, lost family members … not only Jews, but Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Yazidis,Druze,Kurds, atheists and Muslims. Gays, rape victims treated as rapists, little girls and women when were genitally mutilated, forced child marriages…

The Rechtenwalds who appear willfully ignorant of Israel’s large Christian and Muslim population and the equal rights they share with the Jews. The freedom to worship, the beautiful churches and mosques, the Knesset’s Arab Party, Muslim Judges, including seated on the Israeli Supreme Court bench. The Muslim Chief Of Medicine at Israel’s most prestigious hospital/teaching facility,Mount Sinai. The son of Hamas’ founder.. talk to Brigitte Gabriel, Reza Pahlavi, Asra Nomani,Doug Murray,Ayaan Hirsi Al, Majiid Nawaz, Geert Wilders,Javier Milei, Victor Orban, Nigel Farage.Bolsinaro, Bukele, Braverman..UAE Emir..Pastors Dumisani Washington, Hagee, Manning, Parker, Jefress.. Catholic advocates Chloe Valdary, Patricia Heaton, Jon Voight, Bo Derek,Winston Marshall… Search the only safe haven for Christians in the Middle East and Africa.

Google the “50 Nations Christians Suffer The Greatest Persecution”. Which nation isn’t named? Here’s a clue: It’s not Palestine/Gaza,Iran, Iraq,Jordan, Turkey,Yemen,Kuwait, Somalia, Sudan, NoKo, China,S.Africa,Armenia,Nigeria,Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Syria,Algeria,Congo,Niger,Kenya,Malaysia,Indonesia,Bangladesh,Vietnam,Venezuela,Cuba,Nicaragua,Angola,Kosovo,Taiwan,South Korea..

As per your “ friend” Hans, among the top five nations where Christians face the most Christian persecution currently, Turkey is listed. Eighty percent of the aforementioned are either a primarily Muslim populous led by Islamist leaders or Islamist theocracies. 18% are Communist, 2% Buddhist .

And I’ve not even touched upon the Islamization of Europe, primarily UK, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Sweden,Spain, Netherlands,Belgium and metastasizing. Creeping Sharia. We’re not far behind.

But Israel! Those mother effing apartheid Jewish Zionist Supremacists! They’re seeking world domination! By having the chutzpah to survive every extermination attempt.

I’ll never be able to wrap my head around it. Particularly when Soros, Kissinger,Epstein etc are the names most frequently floated and are the most self loathing antisemitic, anti-Israel self proclaimed atheist Nazi enthusiasts.

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I think this is the organization that keeps a list of Christian persecution:


We should not be surprised at the apathy towards Jews and Christians. I still of course am surprised because it's pretty crazy and despicable, considering the facts are on our side. In fact in the Bible we're told to expect it, both Christians and Jews will be persecuted.

It really does appear that the world is getting his less and less capable of rational thought regarding jews, and of course fundamentalist Christians are next, since we are the reason the Israeli government has all the support it gets. And of course, deceived islamicists say just that; "we will first get the Jews then the Christians."

Of course it's just as crazy but predictable that people cry foul when the IDF's attack of the Houti of Yemen is concerned. 7 months of restraint, even in the face of a massively aggressive and belligerent civilian targeting Houti army.

Even though to us it is crystal clear that Yemen and Hezbollah started attacking Israel the day after Hamas, but yet they say it's in response to the war against Hamas, which did not start on October 7th but later. And they say it's in response to the genocide, of which evidence is nonexistent and even it's proponents claim it only happened later. Yet the same proponents will claim that Hezbollah and the houthi rebels in Yemen are attacking Israel to defend the Gazan people!

Seems more like they want an excuse to attack the Jews whenever possible, right now in America they claim it's anti Zionism! While in the Middle East and Muslim countries, they more honestly talk about it in their local languages as an attack against all Jews and the Jewish homeland.

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