
Dear Vincent: I certainly agree with you on this. I did mention this issue. Perhaps I should have emphasized it me. Thanks for your comment. Best regards, Walter

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I'm gonna let you have the last (substantive) word on this. I tried to top you on this, but I failed

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I think the earthquake bears at least some of the responsibility for these deaths.

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Dear Gail: Brilliant, as per usual. Thanks. Best regards, Walter

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Funny that nobody questions the consequences of war in relation to “ natural disasters”. What could possibly go wrong after years of bombings ? Dropping the “ Mother of all Bombs” to decimate ISIS after the fall of Aleppo ? Blowing up pipelines, the Iraq , Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Niger, Nigeria, Kenya, Ukraine, Russia, Palestinian, Israeli, Egyptian, Yemen, Saudi, Iranian,NoKo, China, Turkey, Angola, Sudan, Congo, Ethiopia,Eritrea, Bikini Atoll, WWI, WWIII, , Korean, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Pearl Harbor… What could possibly go wrong?

Offshore windmills, plane cranes, toxic train derailments, HAARP, EMPs, drones… nary a peep..

Nope, the real problem is caused by cow farts, gas stoves, plastic straws, air conditioning, fossil fuels,systemic racism, heterosexuality, and sovereign borders and God forbid, living in peace by minding our own business.

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One should not forget the safety bureaucrats who pretend to be The Science™, but in fact are corrupt boodlers who sell the privilege of fraudulently labeling unsafe buildings, unsafe vaccines, etc. as being safe.

The people of Turkey suffered a great deal from this sort of scam, as even high-end apartment buildings supposedly built to stringent earthquake-resistant requirements proved to be anything but.

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It wasn't the earthquake that killed 50,000 people.

It was the buildings that weren't compliant with the earthquake resistant building code that killed 50,000 people by collapsing on them.

When the big one finally hits California, they will discover that they have been suffering from the same problem for longer than Turkey has.

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