
Dear Brad: you make a very powerful argument. Yes, such people are entitled to a state of their own, located on whatever property they properly own. Thanks, Walter

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that's how I meant this: wryly.

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thanks for your comment. too bad you can't disagree without being disagreeable.

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who knew? Not I. Please tell me more about this.

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I have ancestors who were loyalists and Patriots, the Patriots kicked my Loyalist family out of this country. They were Huguenots who founded New Rochelle after the fall of La Rochelle. They were run out of France and then out of this country, but third times a charm.

My 7th Great Grandfather and his Brother ended up with a land grant for a total of a two thousand acres in New Brunswick, it was very tough at first, but it turned out great in the end, they had lower taxes, the government was further away and less of a problem, etc., they lived into their 90's and had a ton of kids.

It didn't turn out so great for the Loyalists who ended up closer to you, they got shuffled on again a few years later, but that's what happens to the losers, isn't it?

And yes, I get that your post was tongue in cheek, so to say, but hypothetically, what if there were a group of Palestinians who wanted to kick Hamas and their supporters out, would you support them and allow them to keep the land, provide they really kicked Hamas out? Maybe they sign a pledge of loyalty like the loyalists did to the Crown and they get to be New Palestine or do they just get to become citizens and Israel takes the land to govern over but they get to keep their property like any other citizen?

Personally I don't think a Libertarian should support a Palestinian state, it's still a "State" and they will still hate our guts. Why would I want to steal from my neighbor, so our government can spent it, helping make a group of people who hate me more powerful? Like that makes sense? And no State they come up with is actually likely to be friendly is it?

I guess my vote goes for citizens, if they kick Hamas out and can prove their loyalty, hypothetically of course, I'm not naive enough to believe they will ever do it (but they should).

Ps. I'm the Brad Smith that talked to you from the deck of the "Corona Princess". LOL We also talked about Evictionism via e-mail as well.

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They are already building the Palestinian state in Ireland, it seems

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Just replace Florida for Israel. That's the only option you got, for cowards like you cannot fight real men.

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Smiling wryly.

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